To build up a library is to create a place where history comes to life.
The library is open to all members of the college. A student, on being enrolled in the college becomes a member of the college library. In our Library, we issue a borrower card for UG students and two borrower cards for PG students. Open access system is followed in the library for all books and closed access system for reference books, journals, magazines and periodicals.
Our college Library has been established with excellent collection of Books in Commerce, Management, Economics, Accounting, Computer Science, Mathematics, Biochemistry, English, Tamil, and General Studies etc. There are also Journals of various disciplines. It is the best learning Centre for all the students and staff members. It has been carefully built up since the initiation of the College.
Library is the delivery room for the birth of Every Institutions. Our Library is well equipped with Books, Textbooks, Journals, Periodicals, and Newspapers etc. The library also has Back Volumes, and Project Reports. Our Library contains more informative collections of books required for the Staff and Students. The books are arranged in a systematic way for easy access. Subscription of various Newspapers can be seen in our Library. Back volumes of journals have neatly been arranged and categorized under their respective subjects for reference. Career guidance books are placed separately for the future benefit of the students.
The goal of our Library is to enhance the reading habit among students and also to create awareness of knowledge. Working hours of our Library is from 8.20 a.m. to 3.00 p.m