Code of Conduct for Governing Body
(1). The governing body of the college is responsible for ensuring the effective management of the institution and for planning its future development.
(2). The governing body shall act to approve the mission and strategic vision of the institution, long-term academic plans and ensure that these meet the interests of stakeholders, including students, local communities, Government and others representing public interests.
(3). The body shall monitor institutional performance and quality assurance arrangements which should be, where possible and appropriate, benchmarked against other institutions.
(4). Governing bodies shall ensure compliance with the statutes, ordinances and provisions regulating their institution, including regulations by Statutory bodies, such as UGC, as well as regulations laid out by the State government and Affiliating University UNOM
(5). The governing body shall ensure that non-discriminatory systems are in place to provide equality of opportunity for staff members and students.
(6). The governing body shall actively monitor that the Institution implements the requirements of State and National Governments for reservations of seats and staff positions and provide required support to minority groups